
Chest pain

Shortness of breath

Daytime sleepiness


Coughing is a reflex action to clear the airway of mucus and irritating substances such as dust or smoke. It is an important defense mechanism of the respiratory system and as it can be something serious, it is a symptom that should be properly valued.
Chest pain can have many causes. Its characteristics may indicate that its origin is pleural (pleura that involve the lungs).
Shortness of breath is a symptom that is felt when breathing does not satisfy oxygen needs momentarily or for longer periods.
It is said that there is daytime sleepiness when patients fall asleep in abnormal and possibly dangerous situations, such as driving.
Output of blood through the mouth originating from the lungs or bronchi.
Wheezing, whistling are names given to noisy breathing, caused by changes in the bronchi. Breathing is silent, if you hear your breathing you should go to your doctor.
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